Being Born of God is the Father’s eternal, authorized and supernatural invitation. It is the doorway to enter into His spiritual, eternal kingdom, causing us to be restored to the original spiritual state of our Life in Himself as He destined and determined in the beginning. This is reflected in Genesis 1:26-27 which states “Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them!”
Being Born of God is the foundational course required in order to move forward with Level One courses in Eternal Sonship Academy. Accept the Father’s supernatural invitation and sign up below for this free course to get started.

Search for Truth 2 is an amazing, comprehensive Bible Study, with its colored charts that will guide you through the entire bible, from Genesis to Revelation!
This Bible study video series begins is a great introduction to the Bible. It guides you chronologically from the beginning of time; through God’s covenant with man, follows God’s people through the wilderness and dividing and restoration of the nation; and then introduces the student to the New Testament with Christ’s New Covenant, the gospel, the history of the church, and ends with the end time prophecy and the glorious future of the church. Each lesson concludes with an assessment for the student.